Private online sittings
As an evidential medium who has demonstrated in public since 1979 (development began in 1974 I have met and regularly meet many people who are suffering grief over the 'loss' of a loved one. Whether it be a child, parent, family member or even a pet, the physical loss of someone to whom there is a close link can be difficult to bear. Readings with Robert last on average 30 to 40 minutes and in each appointment he will work mediumistically (not in trance) & connect to those in the spirit world who wish to step forward.
"I can only assure you that there is no death - it is impossible to die. Energy, which is what we are, can only change from one state to another, it can never be destroyed. Each of us has a spirit body here and now and when death removes our physical form, we are left in our spirit form to continue without pause in the spirit realms. There is no 'judgement day' or waiting in purgatory as some religions teach. Neither does God make a judgement upon us - we judge ourselves - before moving to the spiritual realm that resonates with our own unique character and spiritual progress (or lack of it)."
Mediumship offers the one left behind the opportunity to obtain further evidence of their continued existence and I (Robert) have been pleased to be able to connect many people with their loved ones over the years - indeed it is my great privilege to to do so. I am not currently able to offer face to face sittings (other than online), but these personal 'one to one' readings via Zoom Facetime or Facebook Messenger, work in exactly the same way. If you are in any doubt, I urge you to visit my Testimonials page on this website before committing to a reading to see what others have said about their readings with me.
If you would like one of these, please email me in the first instance so that we may agree a date and time.
Email: robgoodwin2020@gmail.com
In addition, the White Feather books, available from Amazon UK and Amazon.com also offer comfort and a great deal of information about the afterlife and the laws which govern our reality. They contain examples of communication between the spirit world and this earthly life including interviews with those who have lost children, parents and animals.
If you are reading this because you have recently lost someone dear to you, please take comfort from the facts that spiritualism and mediumship have presented to humanity over the last century. You can and you most assuredly WILL see your loved one again, never doubt this. As White Feather says 'where there is love, there is no separation' and nothing can change this law. Life after death is real. It requires no belief, faith, doctrine or religion. It just IS.
I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Robert x
There’s an empty chair I talk to,
In the hope you’re sitting there,
It rests across the table,
Where our meals, we used to share.
I wonder if you hear me?
I’d like to think you do,
When I open up my heart,
And share a thought or two.
I imagine what you’re thinking,
And the answers you might give,
You always said, ‘We never die,
…..we only ever live”.
Well today, I thought I heard your voice,
It whispered in my ear,
I asked you to repeat the words,
As at first they weren’t too clear.
And then they came into my mind
So loudly to appear,
I glanced toward your chair, as you spoke,
“You know I’m sitting here.”
Copyright Robert Goodwin